Events & Masterclass for Founders

Join us at these upcoming Dragon Argent events specifically designed for founders.

Below events are designed by our professionals who are experts in business strategy, finance, tax and legal. Build the knowledge and skills to navigate growth and develop an effective, high-performing business.

Register for our live masterclasses and network at our in-person meet-ups.

In-Person Masterclass: HR Compliance Essentials

In-Person Masterclass: HR Compliance Essentials

In this masterclass we will conduct a case study, taking a closer look into a business’ documentation by putting their employment contract under a microscope, evaluating their onboarding & induction process, assessing efficiency of their performance management process and highlighting what training & development opportunities should be offered to staff.

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In-Person Masterclass: Building a Great Team from Recruitment to Retention

In-Person Masterclass: Building a Great Team from Recruitment to Retention

In this masterclass we will conduct a case study, taking a closer look into a business’ documentation by putting their employment contract under a microscope, evaluating their onboarding & induction process, assessing efficiency of their performance management process and highlighting what training & development opportunities should be offered to staff.

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