Dragon Argent masterclass liberates founders to focus on growing their businesses by offering joined up and commercially minded advise across accountancy, legal and tax.
Who is this for?
This masterclass is designed for ambitious founders, owner operators or management teams of startup to SMEs who want to build and exit a valuable business.
Why to attend this masterclass
Too often, entrepreneurs are poorly advised at the point at which a company is formed, creating issues that are time consuming and costly to unravel later. A poorly planned corporate structure can:
Be difficult to adapt to changing needs.
Can fuel risk for investors.
Increase tax liability.
Fail to protect founders’ long term interests.
Ultimately, creating barriers that make it harder for founders and entrepreneurs to achieve the long-term objectives they set out with.
However, if planned appropriately, creating a future proofed and flexible corporate structure can be straightforward and cost efficient if you consider.
Masterclass Agenda:
✔️ Incorporation: Importance of Corporate, Company structure and documentation
✔️ Protection: How to protect company’s assets (e.g. physical and intellectual property)
✔️ Tax efficient Eligibility and Criteria:
SEIS & EIS for Founders
R&D Tax Credits
Incentivising Employees Tax Efficiently
✔️ How to raise investment: Quick guide on Angels, Family Offices and VCs
✔️ Negotiating M&A Terms: Protection of shareholders’ long-term interests
✔️ Tax Efficient Exits: Business Asset Disposal Relief and Capital Gains Tax
Register for the masterclass below:
Workshop cost £49 per person - SOLD OUT!
All registration fees will be donated directly to the London Legal Walk who are raising funds to support over 100 free legal advice agencies on the frontline.
Masterclass conducted by James Phipson
Founder, Chairman & Head of Advisory
James is a highly respected entrepreneurial advisor with a 25-year proven track record in building, funding, scaling and supporting high-growth businesses across multiple sectors, and a passion for empowering founders.
James specialises in corporate governance, corporate finance and international development. Alongside his role at Dragon Argent he volunteers as a Commander in the City of London Police, where he is responsible for all volunteering, and speaks nationally and internationally on corporate governance and structures.
Mergers & Acquisitions Advice
Corporate Governance
Corporate Restructure
Interim Non-Executive Director
Shareholder Communication Strategy