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7 Ways to Maximise Management Accounts
What do all major decisions taken within a business have in common? They are all influenced by the financial health of the company.
What is Research & Development Tax Relief?
Many new businesses spend the first season of their existence researching and developing a concept or a prototype. If any project on which the company works is seeking to making an advance in the fields of science or technology, the costs of that project may be eligible to provide the company with extra tax relief, through its annual corporation tax return.
Budget Policies Plan to Fuel SME Growth
The primary aim of government tax policy is to incentivise certain behaviours and discourage others. Here, Dragon Argent consider three policy announcements from last week’s Budget, that when reviewed together, have significant implications for startups and SMEs and some insight into the government’s strategy for business in the coming years.
The Top 5 Accounting Risks for Startups and SMEs
There are some accounting risks every startup founder and owner operator should be aware of. These risks can not only impact the ongoing viability of a business but also have a detrimental effect at major events such as investment rounds or exit processes. Robust management accounting is fundamental to the enterprise value of a company and will help mitigate accounting surprises such as those outlined below on an ongoing basis or within due diligence.
Spring Budget 2021: What It Means For You
On Wednesday, the Chancellor announced his Spring Budget for 2021. As ever, it was packed with changes to the financial landscape for UK individuals and businesses. Below are some high-level summaries of the key changes. Do get in touch for more detail and specific application to the circumstances you and your business face.
Rules of the Club: Shareholders’ Agreements and Articles of Association
In this week’s newsletter, Dragon Argent take a look at these constitutional rules (or by-laws) which are found in the company’s articles of association, a public document that sets out the fundamental contract between the company and its shareholders. A company may also enter into a shareholders’ agreement with its shareholders, a private document that sits alongside and complements the articles. Together these documents form the rules of the club.
Tax Efficient Share Incentive Schemes
Employee Share Incentive Schemes for UK SMEs allows employer to provide shares to an employee free of tax, provided it meets certain conditions. Government-approved share schemes offer tax benefits to both employers and employees and can offer other advantages to businesses. Learn more.
15 Ways to Look After Mental Health in a Global Pandemic
In this blog post, Dragon Argent take a break from the typical areas of business we normally cover to focus on something even more important in the world of startups and entrepreneurs – mental health.
Employment Law Solicitor Advice: Employment Law Changes in 2021
For many small businesses, the end of 2020 may well have been spent trying to navigate the latest rounds of COVID related tier changes, lockdowns and 11th hour interpretations of the last-minute Brexit agreement. As a business owner, I’m sure you are looking forward to a time when you can simply focus on running your business without the rolling waves of external factors that characterised 2020!
SEIS and EIS Tax Relief Schemes
When forming a company and putting in place the required legal documentation that supports your company structure, it is worth thinking about the future funding needs of the business. The majority of startups will at some point seek external investment, with the first round of investment typically being referred to as seed or pre-seed funding.
Demystifying Venture Capital
There is a certain amount of mythology that surrounds venture capital. For many startups, getting VC backing can feel like a key objective, so in this week’s newsletter, Dragon Argent attempt to remove some of the mystery around this form of funding and provide some practical steps for startups looking to VCs to support their growth in 2021.
New R&D Tax Credit Cap – April 2021
As part of the forthcoming Finance Bill 2021, HMRC have announced a cap on the amount that a loss-making SME can receive in R&D tax credits to stop abuse of the scheme.
The Value of Business Diagnostics
For many SMEs, a constraint on growth is the difficulty for its key decision makers to prioritise their daily workload into those areas which have the most significant impact on growth. Owners often spread themselves too thinly across every aspect of the business, forgetting the key areas which create the greatest output. This can be resolved by the application of something known as the Pareto principle, which asserts that 80% of outputs can be derived from 20% of all causes or inputs.
The Art of The Pitch Deck to Raise Investment
In the majority of startup journeys, pitch decks are going to feature. The stage of the business may vary, but at some point, founders will encounter the need to raise investment. This could occur early - as soon as you have a minimum viable product or, when your business is more mature and needs to take advantage of an opportunity to scale.
Achieving an Exit in an Owner / Operated Business
Many founders start businesses with a long-term goal of achieving a financially rewarding exit. It's the motivation that often sustains owner-operators through the most challenging troughs and maintains focus on the continued development of the business during the energising peaks.
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Updates
The Chancellor Rishi Sunak, announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will remain open until 31 March 2021. Here, Dragon Argent assess what the latest announcements mean and how they might impact your business.
Job Support Scheme Amendments
Last week the Chancellor announced amendments to the Job Support Scheme, which was itself replacing the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and comes into effect on November 1st. These amendments have been designed to increase support for businesses and workers. The government say the Plan for Jobs will significantly increase protection of livelihoods and jobs across the UK through the winter.
Three Ways to Prepare for Brexit
The UK's post-Brexit transition period ends in January 2021. The deadline for agreeing a deal with the EU is December and with little progress apparent in negotiations, small business owners and SMEs could understandably be concerned. Here we provide some practical advice on what small businesses should be doing to prepare in three key areas.
Why Startups Fail
The technology analysts CB Insights have curated some amazingly valuable information over the last 6 years looking at why startups fail. In this time, they have conducted over 350 investigations into startups that failed, identifying the most common reasons.
Tax Relief on Working from Home
For obvious reasons, the way we work has changed over the course of 2020. What initially felt like a temporary, enforced adjustment has become a fundamental shift with businesses committing longer term to a more flexible approach to office-based working. There are specific tax relief implications that a material shift from office-based working may result in for employees or salaried directors. Here, Dragon Argent assess the tax relief benefits of working remotely.